About Us:
Our Mission:
To ensure, through the teachings of this Academy, that our followers
will be able to know, to follow by walking in, and to rightly divide
the word of God.
Our Vision:
To ensure, through the teachings of this Academy, that our followers
will be able to know, to follow by walking in, and to rightly divide
the word of God.
our history
Many years ago, the Lord placed in Dr. Jackson's heart and spirit to start
a church for Him (God) under the leadership of Dr. Jackson.
I did not understand at the time why this Academy was not
started then, but now I clearly understand! (based on Eccl. 3)
The Lord had me to Serve and learn under a Pastor in Yokosuka Japan,
serve, learn and ultimately become an assistant Pastor under Bishop Lagus McCoy (Jesus Church of Deliverance). Then to help, and eventually became the pastor of (Kingdom Covenant Ministries) under Pastor Marie Breeden and ultimately on October 1, 2019, start the church of All and All Academy for Christ.
Our Leadership:
Dr. James S. Jackson
Deacon Robert Faison
Head Deacon
Myrtis Jackson
First Lady
Dr. James S. Jackson
Educational Director
Mother Annette Langston
Mother of Church
Elder Donna Brown
Finance Officer